access_time2022-12-12T16:12:14.574ZfaceDCT Academy
What are Http Methods? HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the protocol that is used for transferring data on the internet. It defines a set of methods, or verbs, that specify the type of action a client (such as a web browser) wants a server (such as a web server) to perform. These methods are co...
access_time2022-12-12T16:09:28.059ZfaceDCT Academy
What is REST API? REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for building APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). An API that follows the REST architectural style is called a REST API. In simple terms, a REST API is a way for two programs to communicate with each other over ...
access_time2022-12-12T16:06:25.145ZfaceDCT Academy
What is an API? An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules, standards, and protocols that allow different software programs to communicate with each other. It is a way for different systems to interact and share data and functionality with each other. An API defines the specific wa...