Essential Features of a Food Delivery Software: A Comprehensive List for Development

access_time 1672906380000 face DCT Academy
Essential Features of a Food Delivery Software: A Comprehensive List for Development Here is a list of features essential in a food delivery software Online ordering and payment: Allow customers to place orders online and make payments through the website or mobile app. Restaurant and menu manageme...

Essential Features of a Field Service Management: A Comprehensive List for Development

access_time 1672819800000 face DCT Academy
Essential Features of a Field Service Management: A Comprehensive List for Development Here is a list of essential functionalities for a field service management software Job scheduling and dispatch: Allow users to schedule and dispatch field service technicians to job sites, including real-time tr...

Essential Features of a Event Management Software: A Comprehensive List for Development

access_time 1672905900000 face DCT Academy
Essential Features of a Event Management Software: A Comprehensive List for Development Here is a list of essential features for an Event Management Software Event creation and management: Allow users to create, plan, and manage events, including setting up registration pages, creating agendas, and...

Creating a Mongoose Schema for Storing an Array of Objects: A Real-World Example

access_time 1641019320000 face DCT Academy
Creating a Mongoose Schema for Storing an Array of Objects: A Real-World Example Here's an example of storing an array of objects in a Mongoose field with a real-world example. Let's say you are creating a blog website, and you have a schema for a "Post" collection that has a field called "comments...

Storing an Array of Objects in Mongoose: A Guide

access_time 1641211740000 face DCT Academy
Storing an Array of Objects in Mongoose: A Guide To store an array of objects in a Mongoose field, you can define the field as an array of a specific sub-schema. const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const subSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, age: Number }); const schema = new mo...